Sunday, March 13, 2016

Ski Week Awards

On the 5th of March, I left with the other Carinthian exchange students to Schladming for a week-long ski camp. Sunday-Wednesday mornings we had ski instructors to show us around the slopes and help us with our abilities. Naturally, I was in the advanced class with some others and we had a great time skiing in the fresh powder and taking pictures on top of the mountains. In the afternoons and on Thursday and Friday, we had free time to ski with our other friends or explore Schladming. Jadon and I discovered a really beautiful walking path to town that we shared with some others. The Schladming Rotary club was awesome to us: we went to a meeting Monday night and they provided us with sleds Wednesday afternoon.

Best Crashes:
1st place: Claudia, for when she looked behind her and got distracted, causing her ski to get caught in the safety net which in turn, sent her sliding downward off a cliff. Tom stopped only to take a picture, while I laughed and J-Max was kind enough to help her. Upon releasing her ski, she continued to slide downward into a tree well, taking J-Max with her. After J-Max used the remaining ski to climb his way up the cliff to me and Tom, Claudia made her way up through the path he forged, and they both lied face-down on the ground for a bit.
2nd place: Sam, when he crashed into a pole going down a tree run under the chair lift. This is not the actual pole, I just thought I should inform you all that it happened.
3rd place: As Tom, Sam, J-Max, and I skied through the trees, I hit a stump and landed in a small hole, helpless as Tom stood idly by and took more Snapchats of the incident. 

Prettiest Waterfall:
This was our view on our walk into Schadming. That is all.

Most Useful Goggles:
J-Max's, which we used to take numerous selfies. Until the lenses got crystallized or whatever and he just took them out while continuing to wear them.

Most Excluding Chairlift Selfie:
You can literally see in the reflection of Tom's goggles an Angry Claudia complaining that she is not in this masterpiece. 

Most Pictures with a Statute of Livestock:
This odd and small pink sheep at the top of the mountain.

Best Translation: 
Nifty turns? I am so ready for them. 

Most Traumatic Sled Ride:

Claudia and I took turns threatening our lives and the safety of others (not including the bratty Austrian children we encountered who harassed us as they zoomed past and hurled insults and snow). I realized my talent of using my mittens as windshield wipers on Claudia's goggles so she could see which cliff we were close to falling off next. We did the math at the end and concluded that our three runs added up to a total of 21 km of hell.

Most Used Flags:
The amount of time that we spent up here taking pictures compared to the amount of time we spent actually skiing is scarily close.

Worst Experience of My Life: 
Me, on a train with two rolling suitcases and skis and poles without a carrying bag along with 5 others with similar luggage struggling to catch our connecting train within the 6 minutes we were provided and then having to get through the aisles all the way to the 2nd class cars, and then having to do it all over again six days later.

Biggest Surprise: 
When we went to a hotel for a Rotary meeting and were led downstairs to a disco with a functioning waterfall and a free soft drink for each of us. Sage, Bridger, Lachlan, and Jakob also gave us a lovely rendition of their choreography showcase.

Funniest Interaction with a Drunk Stranger:
This guy, when he and his other drunk buddies were leaving the bar and stopped to jam with us for a bit.

Person Who Was Closest to Becoming a Corpse: 

Owen, who came down with a sickness and remained quarantined in his room for four days, barely breathing and close to death. He is currently on the road to recovery and the subject of some jokes. 

So that was ski week. My class is currently in London for a week, so I don't have school. And my host family departs for London as well on Thursday, so I will be staying with Claudia in basically the Czech Republic until Monday. And then it's Easter break, so school during the month of March is not a thing I am doing :)

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